Beyond the Phone Interview

Get the Monkey Off Your Underwriters' Back

Are your underwriters and claims analysts bogged down reviewing contestable claims? IBU now offers specialized APS reviews tailored precisely for the claims process.

Many underwriting departments today are stretched to the limit to maintain time service objectives for new business. When contestable claims are submitted, it pulls valuable underwriting resources away from new business and out of production.

To make matters worse, the underwriters and claims analysts who review claim files are very often the most experienced and productive people in the department. An IBU client was facing this dilemma and came to us for a solution. We responded by creating a new specialized APS review service specially designed for this highly detailed and demanding activity.

IBU underwriters compare the original underwriting file with newly obtained medical records and reveal potential material omissions. As part of the review process, IBU underwriters also uncover sources of additional medical records.

Want to learn more? Click to view samples of actual IBU claims reviews.